Repairing the structural integrity of Exterior Elevated Elements

Should initial inspections identify conditions that effect the structural integrity of Exterior Elevated Elements (those that result in Tier 2 inspections), Pacific InterWest offers a complete package of services to assist in the repair of the affected element(s). At the request of the building owner, Pacific InterWest can provide a scope of work, design, and permitting assistance for the repair of the affected element(s). All design and scope assistance are completed in concert with the Client’s construction or repair teams to satisfy conditions of cost, aesthetics, logistics, and tenant relocation. Some post-construction services available include:

  • PIW can prepare a detailed scope of work for each type of element requiring repair. This scope of work can be used in the bidding process to ensure that all contractors have a clear understanding of the requirements.
  • PIW can prepare a full set of working drawings sufficient to procure any city or county building permits. PIW architect responds to the city corrections until an approved set of plans and specifications are available.
  • PIW can assist in the bid selection process through an evaluation of prospective bidders, analysis of each bid to ensure all requirements are met, and review of bidder’s references and similar projects.
  • PIW is available to act as “Project Manager” throughout the repair and/or reconstruction process. Alternately, PIW can act as “Owner Representative” throughout the process.
  • PIW is also available to act in the role of “Construction Administrator” at the request of the Client.
  • PIW inspectors can complete inspections throughout the repair/reconstruction process to ensure compliance with the approved plans and specifications.

The Pacific InterWest family of companies is well organized and staffed to provide all services related to SB721 and SB326 compliance from the initial inspection through the completion of any repairs that may be necessary. Per SB721 and SB326, Pacific InterWest, as the inspector of record, is prohibited from completing the actual repairs found necessary through the inspections. Our complete set of architectural and structural repair services are:

  • Architectural and Structural Design of Repairs
  • Permit Application
  • Preparation of Bid Documents
  • Bid Management
  • Construction Administration
  • Construction Management
  • Course of Construction Inspections
  • Documentation of Successful Completion of SB721/SB326 Repairs

Please contact us for sample design plans.

Newly framed portion of walkway for SB721 compliant repairs
Underside of closed soffit balcony with stucco removed to reveal rotting wood in need of SB721 compliant repairs
Closeup of underside of balcony requiring SB326 compliant repairs of exterior elevated wood elements
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